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Are your pet need Medical Treatment?


 8 Tips you must know.     

Your pets are your family members, like your kids. You are responsible to take care of your pets. If you feel that your pet is lazy, not playing, and, took no notice of your calling following are  8 tips in which you found your pet's life in danger and you should be concerned about your pet's Doctors.      

1-      1-If you feel your pet is lazy and is not eating well close their eyes and when you call your pet by its name is not paying attention then your pet needs medical treatment.

1-      2--If you feel that your pet is having difficulty walking or is lifting one leg it is a sign that your pet has a foot injury or pain in bones or is suffering in arthritis.

3- If your pet is barking or starting for no reason is not keeping quiet or is attacking everyone for no reason or is aggressive .your pet needs medical treatment as well as psychiatric treatment.     

        4- If the mouth of your pets like dogs and cats are usually pink in color on the inside, if you feel a              change in the color of their gums or discharge water or saliva from the mouth then your pets have an infection, lack of oxygen, high fever, loss of blood or liver problems. 


      5- If you notice that your pet breathing rapidly with its mouth, you should take it to the vet immediately. your pet may have a heart problem or liquid in the chest.      

6- If you have noticed any change in frequency or consistency and change in the physical appearance of the stool is alarming.

      7-If your pet has occasional vomiting it indicates your pet eats something wrong or digestive problem.                                                                                                                                   


  8- If your pet like a cat or dog shed too much fur it may be a sign of skin disease If your pet is constantly itching or feeling uneasy then your pet has skin problems or suffering from allergies.


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